HAPPY PRIDE 2022, my fellow gifted thrifters and thrifty gifters! And happy first birthday to me as a Finding Your Good guest blogger! My first monthly post was last July (2021), “Goodwill Of Greater…Art Glass Jewelry!”
It’s the first month of Summer, Sivan of 5782 (Jewish month and year), LGBTQ+ Pride Month! Month of Give Out Day, Shavuot (Festival Of Weeks, a harvest holiday when we celebrate receiving the Torah), Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Juneteenth, Fathers Day, the Summer/Estival Solstice / MidSummer, my 46th birthday, Tau Day (6.28 – companion to Pi(e) Day on 3.14), and the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots!
Nu, let’s do what it says on our tin today, shall we? Peruse some Pride pretties at pretty prices—mostly rainbow items, but some surprises as well.
Because I’m an artist, we’ll start with four artworks. I was pretty tempted by this first one. Rainbows, sunset, the shore, beautiful old buildings…these are a few of my favorite things.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/142036095 – Signed Costean Twilight 20″x24″ Oil Framed Painting
And how could I not like these? I’m the co-parent of two dogters. Daniel Patrick Kessler’s “Rainbow Dogs With Bunny” and “Celebrating Diversity”. And did you know he went to the University of Maryland, and lived in DC for many years?

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/140435390 – Signed Kessler Print 11×16″

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/140434092 – Signed Kessler Celebrating Diversity Multi Color Print 11.5×15″
Because I’m a writer, I’m going to add a fifth artwork. As a queer and trans person and leader, I love reclaiming language. Including “pansy.” It used to be an anti-LGBTQ+ insult. But pansies are lovely! I’m proud to be one. I curated a whole day of pansy-themed posts on my Facebook this Spring, which was very popular.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/141648851 – Vintage Signed Ann Simon Pansies In Maine Cup 28/200 Print 10.5×13.5″
For related reasons, I have to include something that looks like the trans flag (horizontal stripes of blue, pink and white). And how Summer-y is this shirt? Too, there is some loving humor in the trans community about how much some of our masculine members love short-sleeve button-up shirts in loud prints. I have several friends and colleagues who would wear this with pride.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/144536468 – No Boundaries Men’s Sunset Button Up Shirt Size M
But wait, there’s more – clothing and accessories, and rainbows. These sneakers look like something my lovely and talented editor would wear. They would certainly go with one of her awesome 80s outfits.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/141308901 – Nike Dunk High Multi-Color Shoes Women’s Size 6.5
I really wanted these! But I’m not surprised that I was outbid. I hope their new owner is enjoying them this season.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/144153578 – R&L Ray-Ran Bewitching Black Rainbow Glasses No RX
Now, you know it wouldn’t be a blog post of mine without some jewelry, right? Right! This lot has a couple of other rainbow items, and a trans flag colored one. But my favorite is these earrings. For one thing, they remind me of those rainbow stacking ring toys we had when I was a child. How fun would these be to wear to Pride?

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/140770455 – 1 lbs. Semi Precious Gemstone Bulk Jewelry Lot
And this fabulous fishy lets me combine my LGBTQ+ pride with my love of the seashore.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/142946779 – Mixed Metal JJ AJC MJ Monet Signed Artist Brooch Pin Jewelry Lot
Better yet, this sparkly seahorse – seahorses are one of the symbols of the trans community (especially because some of our men and nonbinary people also give birth to babies).

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/144925817 – Mix Metal Multi Color Colorful Rhinestone Seahorse Animal Brooch Pin Jewelry
Last but not least, a rainbow-themed activity for indoors. And when you’re done, you can hang it on the wall, give it as a gift, or even re-donate it so someone else can enjoy.

https://shopgoodwill.com/item/141690894 – Lego NIB Complete Lego Set Minifigure Faces & Rainbow Bricks Puzzles
May the rest of your June be jubilant and just! Meet me back here this time next month, when we’ll be strolling to and along the seashore. It’s going to be very hard to choose from among all the great shore-themed items on DC Goodwill’s Shop Goodwill site lately, but I’ll sea (!) what I can do.
About our fabulous guest blogger: