I’ve got a confession to make, dear readers. One of my relaxing evening habits to cuddle under a warm blanket and scroll through savvy Goodwill shopping hashtags on Instagram. I can’t tell you how much I love checking out your finds (from Goodwill Stores all over the country!). Scrolling through “#goodwill” “#mygoodwillfind” and “goodwillfinds” gives me so much inspiration! From style ideas to upcycling tutorials, Instagram has so much to offer for our community of savvy shoppers.
This weekend’s post will be centered on one of my favorite fashion pieces. If you read me often, you know what I am about to say… Shoes! Undeniably, my favorite thing to snag from Goodwill is a great pair of shoes – these finds make me drool.

Instagram User: @starjasper wrote “#coach Gracy Sandal Wedge and #colehaan Kenna Clog $5.94 today at #goodwill #thrift #thrifted #thrifter #thrifting #designeronabudget #thrifteddesigner”

playbymarly says “I love the Gucci #Goodwill! My first pair of #Ferragamo pumps and vintage to boot! Who knew shoes could make a girl so happy!! #shoefie #Austin #thriftscore”

datkidjsin says “Atlanta is the city Today’s only scoop at the #thrift #2003 #jordan 1 Carolina blue/white patent leather. #nike #thrifted #thrifting #thriftshop #thriftstore #thriftjunkie #ithrift #goodwill #goodwillfinds”

christellegrob says “Literally brand new. #ThriftFind #GoodWill #wedges #Shoes #BCBG #BCBGeneration #Gold #summer #strappy”
There’s something for everyone no matter where you’re Goodwill shopping. From fab athletic to chic designers, today’s round up is a perfect example of the gems you can find when second hand shopping!
Don’t forget to add “#DCGoodwill” or “MyGoodwillFind” to all your local finds, dear readers! I want to share the excitement of your amazing items.