After years of Goodwill shopping, I have scored a lot of finds that I am always happy to share with you all. But, when I’m not shopping, I dedicate that time to let my wallet catch a breath while I live vicariously and enjoy a few secondhand hauls with some of my favorite YouTube channels. Those that I follow always have a great perspective on what items to look for, how to style their finds while in store and by the end of their video, I’ve put a few new tricks in my back pocket and walk away with inspiration for my next trip.
However, one thing I’ve noticed is the lack of accessories that are highlighted in many hauls.
And by accessories, I am speaking about jewelry.
A question for you, What do you think about the idea of purchasing jewelry from second hand stores?
For me, I have a guilty confession of purchasing many accessories from fast fashion companies like H&M, Target and Forever 21. These stores can sometimes be easier to access (they’re located at most malls and shopping centers) and often sell items that are quite affordable. By shopping fast fashion, pieces sold are always on-trend, making them easier to quickly purchase. At second hand stores in the immediate area, finding on-trend items can take a bit more digging.
After thinking about why my shopping mentality is this way, I’ve deducted that the structure of most secondhand stores sometimes easily allow for jewelry to be overlooked.
As an avid Goodwill-shopper, I find that I like to take my time when shopping. Maybe for obvious reasons – but, in most stores, the jewelry and other accessories are behind glass casings, inaccessible for close examination or require assistance from a employee. So by the time I make it to the register, that is when I notice the jewelry; but it’s too late.
What deters me from making a purchase is a variant of things like, there are time constraints and I need to check out as soon as possible, budget, or to be frank, I am fatigued from shopping the whole store!
With that said, I want to make it more of a conscious effort to start there first, ensuring that I can take a few goodies home with me. As someone who purchases most of her clothing secondhand, the idea of buying jewelry is a no-brainer. However, I’ve noticed that I hardly talk about the items that I’ve picked up overtime while shopping.
So, I thought for this post I would show you a few of the jewelry items I’ve that I am currently obsessed with and have worn the most.
*Not all these items were purchased at the same store or purchased at the same time.
Nautical Wheel Earrings
I actually found these while traveling in Puerto Rico at a secondhand store! I figured since I was on an island, surrounded by beautiful water, these earrings were an essential to pick up!
Since then, every time I wear these I think of the beauty of Puerto Rico and the memories I made there. I scored these for under $5.

Aztec Circle Engraved Earrings
These cuties were picked up during my last thrift tour in Washington, D.C. (recap post coming soon). I found these for $1 while waiting in a long line to to check out. I love the fun print on them that are oh so subtle but, still bold enough to make a statement.

Flower Fields Earrings
I have a thing for earrings, can’t you tell? I have tiny ears so, I love to add to them to make them appear larger (lol) These are my first pair of vintage clip-on style earrings. Unlike the typical clip-on’s, they actually screw-on. I had never seen anything like this and was amazed about how comfortable they actually are! With such a contraption, I was not expecting to last too long in them- a pleasant surprise to say the least! I picked these up for less than $3.

What are some of your favorite second hand jewelry pieces you’ve collected so far?
About Danielle: Danielle, founder of Thread.Lift, is a self proclaimed secondhand shopping queen, blogger, and tall girl who is living a sustainable slow fashion lifestyle through the art of secondhand living. Follow Danielle for tips and tricks on how to transform a wardrobe without breaking the bank,DIY projects, and making your side hustle work for you.