Category: DC Goodwill

Why Shopping at Goodwill is a Shore Thing

Nu, as my regular readers know, I adore the shore.  And thrifting seashore-themed things.  Most of my considerable collection is thrifted – much of it from Goodwill.  Shopping at Goodwill really is a shore thing!  Online and off.  So this month, I am once again coming to you to show you some of the best seashore items on DC Goodwill’s Shop Goodwill site.         

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Happy Year of the (Thrifted) Dragon!

Nu, thrifting dragon items is especially competitive this year.  But the huge and rich history of dragon fandom also means there’s a great quantity, quality, and diversity of items on the thrifting market.  I’ve been very pleasantly surprised by the many fabulous dragons I’ve seen and thrifted, offline and on – including at Goodwill of Greater Washington, and  

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