Vibrant and statement sleepwear, robes, nightgowns, housecoats and everything in between recently became one of my biggest thrift obsessions.
Every time I shop thrift, I ALWAYS make sure to check the sleepwear section – I am never disappointed by what I find! It’s truly an underrated section at the Goodwill.
This under $10 housecoat is one of my favorites. I just love the vibrant colors and the movement it has when I walk! It’s just the perfect little number to be comfortable and chic in – without any effort.
Since the pandemic started and the stay-at-home order was implemented, I have opted for more comfortable clothing…. but I’ve still made it a point to showcase my unique style despite my change in attire. Being comfortable at home in my luxe robes, housecoats and house dresses have allowed me to still be FunkyFabulously Chic!

I’m so glad I didn’t pass up on this gem. It was a true deal and I encourage others to stop by the sleepwear section the next time they thrift. You know know what versatile vintage gems you’ll stumble upon! Don’t sleep on it!
Check out my mini collection of thrifted Items purchased from the sleepwear section at my local Goodwill – below!

About our fabulous guest blogger:

These are just three words that can be used to describe LattieMooreStyle’s tastes in fashion. It’s deeper than mere outfits and trends…. It’s an expression of all the eccentricities that make up the person. And no one embodies this sentiment more than Keisha Dunbar Daniel.
Keisha is the founder of LattieMoore Style and Image Consulting, which is named after her late grandmother. The purpose of LattieMooreStyle is to inspire Women to look, be and feel the part with confidence.
“It’s about being Funky and Fabulous and not being afraid to let your identity be known through what and how you wear your clothes. It’s also Confidence and loving the skin you’re in,” she says. “I don’t think that will ever fade.”