Tag: beauty tips

Yes, Get Those Clip-On Earrings.

As I have built up my thrifting muscle and learned to love vintage, I have come across hundreds of more clip-ons than I ever did in my previous fast-fashion life. At first, I became more used to them simply because I kept seeing them in the shops I was now visiting. Then I began to notice more and more of the earrings that caught my eye were vintage pieces, and most of them had clip-on backs. At that point, I dipped my toe and started to buy and wear them. I was shocked by how comfortable most of them were, and how practical they were for larger, heavier designs in particular. Since then, I’ve never looked back.

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I Stay, I Dress, I Conquer: My Work From Home Summer Capsule

That’s where capsule wardrobes come in. In essence, a capsule wardrobe is a selection of coordinated clothing and accessory items that can be mixed and matched to generate a large number of outfit combos. The concept is hugely beneficial — it streamlines my morning routine, helps get more wear out of every piece, refines my sense of style, and reduces my desire to purchase new clothes that I don’t actually need.

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