Fashionistas, as the new year comes closer and closer, I’ve been thinking about fashion new year’s resolutions and how I might be able to achieve them.
They range from new style experiments to items that I’m on the hunt for finding at Goodwill. My list is actually pretty long, but I wanted to share 3 of my main ones with you.
I can’t wait to start 2016 with these in my back pocket. I hope I achieve some of them!

Image from Polyvore
1.) Find a Kate Spade Purse at Goodwill
In 2015, I found several Kate Spade wallets at Goodwill but this coming year, I really want to step it up.
While I do have a few Kate Spade bags, I am tired of paying hundreds of dollars for them. I really want to find one that I like from Goodwill and take it home with me!
On Instagram, I’ve seen some of my fellow fashionistas take home gorgeous bags and I’d like to find one, too!
I did find a really cute KS bags years ago, but I wasn’t thinking and didn’t purchase it. I hope I don’t make this stupid move again!
Maybe I’ll find a bag like this one – please help me! 😉

2.) Wear Less Black
Black is my go-to color. I wear it ALL the time because honestly….it looks good on me. It’s super easy to style and look fancy and consistent without putting in much effort.
I must admit, my closet is 60% composed of black clothing of all types and I seriously need to break this cycle.
I’d love to bring more yellows and reds into my wardrobe…or simply any color that pops. I do have too much pink, so I could lay off of that, too.

This is one of my favorite all-black looks from 2015. Help me break this cycle, fashionistas!
3.) Get More Into DIY and Share Projects with You!
One thing you didn’t know about me is that I’m pretty darn crafty…however I don’t have much time for DIY projects these days. I barely even have enough time to cook, let alone start DIY projects.
However, as a cost-sensitive fashionista, I don’t want to pay tons of money for certain items especially when I know I can make them or transform something that already exists.
So in 2016, I’m going to start AND finish a few projects. Thank you one of our previous Friday Fashionistas for truly inspiring me with her bar cart DIY transformation. I would LOVE to do this very project. I would also love to transform a lamp, repaint a chair, and possibly learn to reupolster a piece of furniture.

What are your 2016 Goodwill New Year’s resolutions, fashionistas? Have you thought of any yet? Please share them in the comments!
Great list!! I am getting my fashion resolutions together as well! One thing I want to do is more thrifting. As I strive to lose weight it doesn’t make sense to buy expensive clothes–that just reinforces the idea that my weight won’t change. So you will definitely be seeing me at Goodwill!
Sounds smart! Yay! We should do a shopping date soon!