Over the last few years, I’ve become somewhat of a sneakerhead. However, the sneaker game has elevated, which also means that prices are also high. But as a thrifter, paying $100 and more for one pair blows my mind. Thankfully good people donate great items, including sneakers, to Goodwill!
Months ago, while thrifting in the Chelsea neighborhood of New York City at their local Goodwill, I found my first pair of Nike Air Max 97 for $30! They were in excellent condition and only seemed to be worn a handful of times. Who would give away such a great pair of sneaks? From then on, I have been finding fantastic footwear at Goodwill.

The most recent sneaker find was discovered at the Seven Corners location. They are a pair of metallic gold Puma Sky Wedge sneakers in great condition and $30! Since they are high tops, I am waiting to rock them with leather leggings and distressed denim jeans for the fall.

Finding quality sneakers at Goodwill has also encouraged me to donate sneakers collecting dust in the back of my closet. I would instead another thrifter enjoy them and help sustain the environment!

Check out the great sneaker selection at your local Goodwill. You may find some hidden gems!