By now, you may have gotten the idea that sourcing clothing and accessories at Goodwill isn’t as intimidating as you may have thought it to be. With that in mind, have you ever thought about utilizing Goodwill to source items to add for home decor?
One of my favorite retail stores to shop for home decor are typically Target, Ikea, Home Goods and T.J. Maxx.
And while those store are known to reasonably affordable, they also have the potential to do some damage to your wallet as things add up. Especially, if you are making over a large space in your home or completing a large project.
Earlier this month, I recently moved into my new apartment and needed to rethink how I would organize my items in a more efficient size space. Minimal closet storage, less square footage and sharing with 2 other roommates, presented a challenge of how I would create a space that was well kept, without looking cluttered. Not to mention, keeping within a budget, since moving can be expensive all by itself!
So with that in mind, I hopped on Pinterest to pin some ideas that spoke to me and were also items that I could find while Goodwill-shopping.
My color scheme was for the most part, neutral. Including creams. whites, exposed natural medium wood, gold accents and greenery.
With my ideas in mind, I traveled to my favorite Goodwill’s and crossed my fingers in hopes to find what I was looking for.

Gold Metal Desk Lamp: Although this lamp might be used typically in a desk setting, it also works just as well right by my bedside. It reminds me of something pulled from Target’s Opalhouse Collection!
Best part is, it was only $8!

It’s in great condition and came with a bulb in working condition already. I simply switched it out with a brighter white LED bulb from personal preference.
Next is my Marble and Gold Table: I scored this over a year ago but I still absolutely love how it matches the rest of my decor and color scheme, no matter how many times I change it. This one cost me just under $15 and after a quick couple coats of acrylic paint, it looks good as new!

Wooden Bowls: Such a simple find you will most likely see at any Goodwill. Best part, these bowls can serve so many purposes for your home. I found this set of 3 for $1 and are currently using one as a soap dish in the bathroom and the other to hold my jewelry & accessories.

Wicker Storage Basket: As I mentioned, after moving, I had to seriously consider downsizing my current wardrobe into nearly half the size while finding a better way to organize my clothing. If you’re anything like me, you also keep shoes, jackets and extra blankets in your closet spaces. This large wicker bin was the perfect size to put on the top shelves in my closet and out of the way of everything else.

I thought this geometric bin was cute, and it matched my desk lamp that I purchased secondhand I stopped at just before. It may not be sensible for smaller items but, I like to keep my toiletries nice and organized under my bathroom sink- Marie Kondo would be proud of me 🙂

Floating Shelves: These were actually purchased on clearance from HomeGoods.

The box said these were easy to hang but, I couldn’t disagree more lol. A few more holes and assistance from my awesome roommate, they are finally hanging nicely in my bathroom. Primary used to as decor to prop up a couple smalls plants and my favorite jewelry pieces.

Sine I was going for a neutral vibe, I was so happy to find this reversible comforter for less than $20! One side is tan and the other is a creamy beige. I love the floral detail on it and how it reminds me of cotton fields and and imitates nature. It definitely adds some texture to the room as well.

Speaking of texture, the final touch are my plants. Now, I will admit I am a little saddened about the current situation of some of my plant babies since they were sort of abused during my move. (I left them in my hot car for longer than initially intended) They are in recovery but, I have hope they will flourish and come back to life with a little TLC! But, adding greenery in any setting puts me in-tune with nature and presents a calming effect after a long day. Faux plats are also a wonderful option and are at an abundance at most thrift stores! With that said, I’m ashamed to show you an actual picture of them for this post 🙁
There you have it! What home decor projects do you want to try but not willing to overspend? Leave me your thoughts, I’d love to hear and offer suggestions on how you could do it on a budget!