To be honest, if I had spotted this elegant black candelabra with the dangly crystal doo-dads in a month like January or July, I probably would have left it right there on the shelf at Goodwill.
But it’s September …
… which means it is almost October …
… which means I’m getting into the Halloween spirit now!
I knew right away that this candelabra would be coming home with me and upcycled into something amazing for Halloween. What I didn’t know at first was exactly how I was going to jazz it up.

I could always add candles to it. (After all, that is what a candelabra is used for.) But that seemed too obvious. I like my home decor, especially holiday decor, to be a little unexpected.
The candelabra only cost $4.99. A quick online search shows Halloween decoration candelabras in the $20 price range. So I got a great deal — even if my idea wasn’t 100% formed yet.
My first thought was to add mini pumpkins instead of candles.
Then I remembered the plastic skull I added to a stack of books for a Halloween decoration I made last year. At the time, I declared it was the Easiest Halloween DIY Decor Ever!

What if I glued spooky skulls to each of the candle spots on the candelabra?
Luckily, there’s a Dollar Tree next-door to the Centreville, Va. Goodwill store. They had styrofoam pumpkins and plastic skulls. Both items would have worked for my idea.
But I found something I liked even better!

These pumpkins are made from a gauzy purple fabric—and they light up! They matched my black candelabra and they were the perfect size. I bought five of them at $1.25 each bringing the grand total of my project to $11.25
The best part is I didn’t even have to glue them in place. I just set the purple pumpkins onto the candelabra and there you go — now this truly is the easiest Halloween DIY Decor Ever!

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