Category: DC Goodwill

Storage Hack: Repurposing Vintage Suitcases

Cooler temperatures are here in the DC area, which means hats, scarves, and gloves are needed to stay warm. Over the years, I have acquired different types, particularly liking vintage, crochet, and leather accessories. However, finding ways to store and display them has been difficult. Previously I used a basket but I would have to empty it out to find my favorite scarf. However, with a little imagination, I was able to find better storage in a creative way. 

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Giving Thanks For — And Gifts Of — Dragons!

Too, turkeys are descended from dinosaurs.  And, what are dinosaurs but wingless dragons? It’s Science!

November is a good time to think about thrifting your gifts, for the Winter holidays and other gift-giving this season!  And, oh so many people love dragons.  How much more so when they’re thrifted — in addition to being more impressive in the usual ways, you and your recipient also know you supported a great cause. 

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