I don’t know about you but I’m TIRED of going on dates that involve spending oodles of money at loud and bustling restaurants, just sitting across from one another, awkwardly, engaging in unnatural conversation. While I’m not in the place to date (that’s a long story for another time), I do know this – I now know what I want and I’m not afraid to get what I want. And one thing I want for myself and for my thrifty and non-thrifty friends is to go on exciting dates that are creative, different and fun! Ones that don’t break the bank and actually involve learning about one another in a more natural way.
So today, I bring you this list. A list of dream dates that involve my favorite thing to do: THRIFTING! You’d be surprised at how fun AND sustainable these activities can be. I dare you to try all of them! There can be so many variations of each one, you’ll never get bored – even on the first or 100th date!
1. Make a Scavenger Hunt list, visit Goodwill & search away!
The headline explains it all. You can create one list together or create lists for each other. After you create lists, go to Goodwill, and start searching! Give each other a time limit and pick a meeting spot to reconvene when the clock is done ticking.
2. Find outfits for one another for a later date. Pick a theme or decade!
This Goodwill Date idea is all over the Internet, but it’s not old news! This activity is classic and SO FUN!
3. Set a $5 budget & time limit to find one another the coolest &/or weirdest gift.
It’s THAT simple! Give each other an hour to find a $5 or below gift that:
- Is weird
- Is cool
- Reminds you of them
- Is of their favorite color
- Is animal-themed
- Is from a certain decade
- The list is endless!
4. Thrift a film & pick out a popcorn bowl. Plan a movie night together!
Find a film (DVD, Blu-Ray) that you both want to watch. For snacks, thrift some unique bowls to hold your treats! You might even thrift a cozy blanket to share at Goodwill too.
5. Game Night! Thrift board games & puzzles to play later.
Again, another simple yet fun activity. There are so many unique and wacky retro games at Goodwill, even just looking at old games is entertaining. For the price of one game that’s new, you can find multiple at the good ol’ Goodwill!
6. Chef it up!
Thrift a cookbook together & select recipes to try. To top it off, thrift some unique plates & cloth napkins for serving! You might not need any dishware at the moment, but you never know what you’ll find at Goodwill! You might even score your new favorite cup or bowl. The unplanned search can be so rewarding!
7. Simply, just look around together.
Just peruse Goodwill & learn about one another’s interests & tastes! By simply walking around the store, you can learn about music tastes, fashion preferences, and much more!

And voila! That’s my list. But I’m sure it could be expanded with the assistance of the FYG community. What’s your ideal date that involves thrifting?