As an avid thrifter, I’m often surprised by the gems I can find at my local Goodwill that are in excellent condition and sold at a fraction of their original cost. On my recent visit to the Goodwill retail store located in Clinton, MD, I came across five fabulous finds that happen to be under $5! So, if you’re looking for fantastic budget-friendly gift options, keep reading!
Are you interested in sprucing up your home/work office with new artwork? Paint and sip art projects like this beautiful cherry blossom and waterfall painting are often donated. But what’s even better is its pricing. For only $4.99, you can add this incredible find to your office space and gaze at it when you desire a tranquil break from your day.

Another great find I spotted was this brand-new mini-AM/FM pocket radio priced at just $4.99. This item is perfect for listening to the news, weather, and sports while enjoying a morning walk, an evening stroll, or practically anytime you’d like.

Another excellent item I stumbled across were these 1000-piece jig-saw puzzles priced at $1.99 each. Did you know that completing jig-saw puzzles is considered a brain exercise because it requires both the right and left sides of the brain to work together? Challenge yourself to complete one alone or collaborate with friends and family and complete one together.

Next, with Thanksgiving approaching, you may be interested in trying your hand at a new recipe. This Crock-Pot recipe card collection, priced at $2.99, has plenty to choose from. Use it to try something new or improve an existing recipe of your own.

Lastly, add a bit of holiday cheer to your home by decorating it with this outdoor 3-piece holiday gift box set for only $4.99. It will be a welcoming addition to any patio or front lawn this holiday season.

These were just a few of the gems I’ve spotted, but I’m sure there are others. Visit this location or any of the others to see what items you can find under $5.
About our fabulous Guest Blogger:

Temica Gross
Lifestyle and Fashion Blogger