If you are anything like me, you have a large collection of handbags that includes clutch bags, crossbody bags, tote bags and satchel bags from various designers. Tote bags are the perfect marriage of style and function, you can fit all of your day-to-day essentials while also adding flavor to your outfit.

I found a Coach tote bag at the Waldorf, MD Goodwill for $9.99. This bag brand new retails for $428! I’ve been wanting to try my hand at painting a designer bag, but I didn’t want to run the risk of ruining one of my existing designer bags. Painted handbags have been around for awhile; some designers have made this trend apart of limited collections. Artists have also been commissioned to paint designer bags such as Louis Vuitton, Givenchy, Hermes, Michael Kors, and Coach.

I’ll be honest, I have never painted anything outside of the wall of my bedroom or stenciling my denim jacket, but I really wanted to tap into my creativity to help me focus more on upcycling items I thrift as well as items I already have In my closet. I also wanted something no one else had that represented my style and passion.

So how did I begin?

  1. First, because it is thrifted, I cleaned the inside and outside of the bag with Lysol wipes. I then let it sit overnight. 
  2. Second, I researched paints suitable for leather and ordered the Angelus 12 pack leather paint from Amazon. 
  3. Third, I figured out a design. Fun fact, I love graffiti art, so I decided to mix my love for thrifting and graffiti. 
  4. Things to keep in mind: Art doesn’t have to be perfect, as long as you love it that’s all that matters, don’t be afraid to be a trendsetter!

If you are thinking about trying your hand at painting a handbag, you should definitely thrift a bag from Goodwill. You get to support your community and tap into your creativity all at once.