When thrifting runs in your family and a beautiful brand-new Goodwill store opens down the road from your parents’ house, you know what you’re going to be doing for your next get-together!
The new Goodwill store in Sterling, Va. is stocked to the brim with good stuff and staffed with friendly employees. It’s also about five minutes from where my Mom and Dad live, which makes it extra fun to shop there with them.

Unfortunately, we missed the grand opening on April 13, but we were able to visit about a week later. My sister, Colleen, joined us.

After ooh-ing and aah-ing over the size of the store and the huge volume of amazing merchandise, we got down to thrifting business.
The first item that caught my eye was a sparkling gIass cup on the red shelf. I love how Goodwill displays items in the Housewares section by color. Then I found another red glass cup nearby. After a bit of rummaging around, I realized it was a set of three votive candle holders along with a matching tray. They were priced separately, but all together only cost $5.

I don’t decorate with a lot of red in my home, but these were so pretty I couldn’t pass them up. My plan is to put citronella candles in these and use them on my patio in the summertime to keep the bugs away. I love things that are beautiful and functional!
The second item I found will also come in handy this summer. I scored these never-used pool floats for only $10. These look really sturdy and they come with drink-cup holders. How could I pass this one up?

I did pass up one item — and I’m sorry I did. We found a pair of glass trays shaped like hearts in the holiday section. They were displayed along with Valentine’s Day items. But they were so pretty, I thought I could use one all year round. I love the idea of sprinkling a little love into my home decor.
“Don’t you want to get both of them?” Colleen asked.
“No, I only want one,” I said. (I was pretty adamant about it!)
I knew I could find a spot somewhere for one tray. But in the moment, I couldn’t think of where I would put two.
She looked at me like OK, but you’re going to regret it.
And she was right.
As soon as I got home, I realized I do have a spot for two heart trays. I have two small tables with a collection of thrifted pink glass bottles and vases sitting in each of my living room windows. I love how the light shines through the glass on a sunny day. The heart-shaped tray fits right in.
Now I wish I would have bought the other one for my other table.

I was lamenting my poor thrifting decision later and my wonderful dad said he would go back to Goodwill and purchase the second heart tray for me. That’s another advantage of living five minutes away from a Goodwill store!
Sadly, the heart-shaped tray was gone. That’s how it goes sometimes. But I really appreciate that he went to all that trouble to go back and look for me. My Dad is the best!
Even though the day ended with a twinge of Thrifting Regret, I still enjoyed our visit to the new Sterling, VA Goodwill store very much. I can’t wait until we all go back for more thrifting fun!

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