Tag: dc thrift

Not Another Neutral Capsule

In essence, a capsule wardrobe is a selection of coordinated clothing and accessory items that can be mixed and matched to generate a large number of outfit combos. The concept is hugely beneficial — it streamlines my morning routine, helps get more wear out of every piece, refines my sense of style, and reduces my desire to purchase new clothes that I don’t actually need.

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Creating a Cozy Space for My Home Office

I quickly browsed the internet for an affordable new home office desk & chair, waited for it to arrive, and assembled it. Once it was complete, I again noticed something; this new was desk and chair of mine, still was missing a personal touch. So, using my creativity, I shopped my home for home decor items I’ve previously purchased from Goodwill that could add elements to create a cozy space to my “office.”

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DIY: Toilet Paper Roll Birdhouses

Here’s another crafty and easy DIY project that makes the most of all those empty bathroom tissue rolls: little birdhouses! These whimsical creations will brighten any place you hang or set them in honor of our feathered friends. Cheap and charming, everyone will smile—no matter what species they are.

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