I hardly ever purchase Halloween decorations at big box stores anymore. Why would I? Goodwill has so much inspiration for easy Halloween DIY projects. I’ve been crafting cute Halloween decorations from my Goodwill finds for a few years now. I thought it would be fun to do a recap of my favorite projects in one place.
Goodwill always has a nice selection of plates for sale. For this project, I collected pairs of plates and painted them to look like eyeballs for a spooky Halloween feature wall. I recommend choosing plastic plates over ceramic ones for this project. They are lighter, easier to hang on the wall and won’t break if, say, one of the paperclip hangars you glued onto the back falls off. (Don’t ask me how I know this.)

I went through a little pumpkin patch phase where everything at Goodwill with circles on it looked like pumpkins to me. These projects are fun because you can really get creative with both the objects you transform into pumpkins and the pumpkin characters you create. And the best part is … you really can’t mess this up. They are just silly little pumpkins after all.

I got the idea for this project from a ceramic decoration I saw for sale at a big box store. But there was no way I was going to pay the price they were asking. I decided to craft it myself using real books from Goodwill. I think using real books makes this project look more authentic and, thanks to the Color of the Week Sale, they cost less than a dollar each.

This is my latest Halloween project I created last month using a candelabra thrifted at the Centreville, Va. Goodwill and pretty purple pumpkins I found at the Dollar Tree next-door. It lights up at night and casts a spooky glow in my dining room. I love it!

These aren’t DIY projects, but a Halloween decor round-up wouldn’t be complete without noting that I found both of these giant inflatable decorations at Goodwill. The Grim Reaper on a motorcycle cost $40, a fraction of the $100+ price they sell for brand new. I thought that was the best deal ever. Until I found the 7-foot-tall dragon a few months later.
For only $10.
I love shopping at Goodwill.

Happy Halloween!
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