Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media for what should have been just a few minutes but ultimately turned into an hour or even more? Well, that’s exactly what happened to me when I stumbled upon a TikTok video showing the ease and affordability of creating faux terra cotta pots and vases using inexpensive glass vases and common art supplies.
Of course, being the conscious spender, I knew just where I could find a pair of inexpensive glass vases for just pennies on the dollar. But before I share with you the details of my weekend arts and crafts project, I must confess, I’m not an expert furniture revitalizer. I’m a novice in this lane; however, if you’re looking to review the work of seasoned professionals, I’d recommend checking out some of the amazing pieces created by fellow FYG bloggers, Tim Kime and Courtney Mickalonis. Their work is absolutely jaw-dropping and very inspiring!

Well, if you’re ready to give this project a try, here are the materials you’ll need:
- Item to upcycle (vase, teapot, bowl, etc.)
- Acrylic paint
- Baking soda
- Small bowl
- Paintbrush
As previously mentioned, I’ll be using glass vases as the base of my faux terra cotta vase. My local Goodwill has an amazing houseware section so, it was a no-brainer that I’d check there first. As luck would have it, I found two vases that were tagged with the color of week so, they were 75% off of their sticker price. The cost for both vases was only 75 Cents! Excited to get started, I picked up the supplies needed from a local arts and crafts store and rushed home.

- With all materials laid out on a newspaper-lined surface, I began to mix the paint with the baking soda in a small bowl. The consistency of the paint mixture should resemble pudding, therefore; it’s recommended to mix equal parts of both ingredients.
- I began painting the first vase and quickly realized how challenging it was due to its textured surface. The mixture was struggling to fully coat the vase with each stroke because of the vase’s vertical ridges. Committed, I waited 20 minutes for the first coat to dry and then applied another. Thankfully, the second coat adhered much better so I moved on to the second vase.
- Before repeating the previous mixing steps, I decided I only wanted to paint the lower third of my second vase so I lined it with painter’s tape to prevent any paint from transferring above the lower third line. Similar to the first vase, this one was also textured but its ridges were not as deep so coating it was not a challenge.
- After I applied the second coat I placed both vases out of reach to dry overnight.
- Realizing I used two textured vases, I was curious to see what the results would be with a smooth surface vase so, I decided to paint one I already owned. Similar to the second vase, I only painted the lower two-thirds and allowed it to dry overnight.
- After nearly 24 hours, I retrieved each vase to find that the mixture had dried into what resembled the texture of a clay pot with a beautiful matte finish. Pleased with the outcome, I filled the vases with dried eucalyptus stems and a flower arrangement that complimented the mixture’s mustard color.
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I had a lot of fun with this inexpensive DIY art project recommend it to anyone looking to upcycle their old vases. In fact, why not get a jump on your fall home decor? Try this project with vases of any size, pair them with colorful mums, mini pumpkins, or even ears of dried corn for a beautiful harvest theme. I can’t wait to see what you create.

About our fabulous Guest Blogger:

Temica Gross
Lifestyle and Fashion Blogger