“I’m ready for pumpkins!” declared a fall-loving friend who I ran into on one of those sweltering August days when you step outside and instantly feel like a wilted piece of celery.
“Not me!” I replied.
I don’t care how hot and sticky it is. I’m Team Summer all the way.
(I even decorated an area of my home for summer-themed vibes all year-round.)
However, when I went to the Hayfield, Va. Goodwill store later that same day, I started reconsidering my reluctance to all things autumn.
It started with this cute gray cardigan. I love lightweight sweaters made from t-shirt material and this one was super-soft — perfect for those in-between-season days when the mornings are chilly, but the afternoons are still warm. I tried in on over my sundress and it fit just right.

Maybe it would be nice to get a little break from this heat and have a t-shirt-sweater kind of day.
I put the cardigan in the cart and kept shopping. More cute sweaters caught my eye.
One of my favorite things about shopping off-season is I know I’ll buy the sweater today, put it in my closet and promptly forget about it. Then one brisk day in the future, I’ll re-discover it and be so happy that it’s mine.
Future Me would totally want me to buy this sweater.

Then I realized that Future Me would love the sweater even more if I had cute new boots to go with it. So I headed over to the shoe section and lucked out by finding the perfect pair in my size.

Now, all I needed was a new pair of jeans to go with my sweater and boots, and Future Me’s new outfit would be complete. Unfortunately, that’s where my luck ran out. It was a Goldilocks kind of day in the dressing room. All the jeans I tried on were either too big or too small. Nothing fit quite right.
That’s OK.
This just gives Future Me an excuse to come back to Goodwill and try again later!
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