As we transition from summer into our more chillier months, this is a more advantageous time to really get creative with our thrifting. Thrifting during the fall is my favorite. So here are several ways to make fashion be interesting as we enter the fall and winter seasons, especially during these interesting COVID-19 times.
1. Finding Things That Tell A Story
When thrifting during these seasons, it is imperative to find things that tell a story. Often when we shop during the fall and winter months, we look rightfully so for the warmest items. However, while that is necessary, you can still find things that tell a story and are conversation-starters. When interacting with the items you buy during these months, I think that taking a step back and finding pieces that are interesting and surface-level will help you enjoy the months better.

From embroidery to fabric, the clothes that you buy can tell an interesting story. Often in the warmer months, individuals find clothing that tells stories because they feel it will be shown off better.
Nonetheless, if you take your time and find pieces that speak to you during the fall and winter, the same effect can occur. The meaning of the clothing you wear and what they mean to you can make any outfit more warm.
2. Find Things That Pop
Next, I think finding pops of color during the fall and winter months is necessary. The uniform of the fall and winter is often muted and reserved. However, if the clothing you choose has a pop of color, it can make an outfit feel warmer, more tied together, and more unique. Pops of color, if effectively thought out, can transform an entire outfit and give it a new life.

When thrifting, think about the colors around you. What can you add to your cart that will make outfits the you wear during the fall POP?
Pops of color can add various additions to an outfit. In turn, turning a bleak coat into a fierce accent piece in your collection. Colors that you should be mindful of this season are orange, light blues, lilac, purple, pink, and pastels.
3. Find Things That Have Shape
Finally, playing with shape can enhance the outfits you thrift this fall and winter season. Shapes such as circles, adding lines, polka dots, squares, and geometric patterns can transform any outfit.
Many do not think that shapes help or add anything to an outfit. Especially, in the fall and winter where people wear more heels and boots, shapes can make outfits feel more streamlined and thought out.

No matter your body type, playing with shape can make your outfits in the fall and winter be more interesting. Do not shy away from shapes when you thrift this season; they really can alter an outfit and make it your favorite this season.
When you go thrifting this season, think about how creative you can be. From story to color to shape, you can transform your wardrobe to be one that is special for you. Fall and winter already are cold enough, your outfits do not need to be too.
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