Who says that home décor has to be boring? Your space should reflect your personality as much as your clothing does! With a little help from good friends and Goodwill, all things are possible. Even a Converse shoe wall!
Everyone knows that I love Converse shoes! I have them in high top, low top, patterns and even clear. Most of my collection has come from consignment shops and even Goodwill; however, I didn’t have a clever way to display my collection. They were all piled on a small rack.

Over the weekend, I ventured to the Goodwill in Alexandria, VA. I never really have a specific goal or idea of what I am looking for when I go on thrift trips – I let the finds come to me!
As 6:00 PM was approaching and I made my way through the housewares section, I noticed an 8 tier shoe rack hanging with the large furniture. It immediately caught my eyes because it was on wheels, which is great for staging shoes in different areas of the home. The sturdy rack was only $20 and I instantly knew that it was going home with me. My friend Jennifer and I then fit the rack in my car and went back to my apartment.
Jennifer, the creative DIY queen who designed my fanny packs in the previous post, came over to debrief our thrifting adventure as we always do.
As we were talking, she started to position my chucks on the new rack.

Before I knew it, they were all up and fit perfectly under my thrifted converse picture that I purchased a few months ago!

She even strategically staged them to look like a work of art and I couldn’t be happier!

How do you display your thrifted shoes, so that they are organized and aesthetically pleasing?

Amber Mixson
Fashion/Lifestyle Blogger