Tag: Washington DC

DIY: Gratefulness Shines Through Difficult Times!

I am a big softy when it comes to sentimental gestures, such as hand-written notes or greeting cards and wanted to display them in my apartment. I wanted to come up with a way to put them up to be seen. During one of my Sunday Goodwill visits, that seem so far away, I found a huge cork board that would be perfect for such a project, because I am able to swap out my personal mementos.

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Things I Love: My Summer Thrifted Shorts Collection

A few years ago, I became obsessed with rocking short shorts. However, it can be difficult to find shorts that fit correctly and hug my curves. If purchased from retail stores or websites, a nice pair can cost around $40.00, which is out of my price range as a lover of second-hand items. Luckily everything is better and less expensive at Goodwill.

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