All things, ideas, individuals and objects have a projected life-cycle – it is the natural course of things. When an object’s life-cycle, especially that of a garment, is thrown off course it is a good sign.
This winter, the Femme Fatale DC community came together to up-cycle jeans into mammoth chandelier made of denim.

The Femme Fatale DC Pop-Up in Mount Vernon Triangle, 401 Massachusetts Ave. NW is a bean shape with sprawling fifteen foot high ceilings. Adriana Mendoza, Creative Director – identifying a need to transform the expanse of ceiling – brought Meg Schaap (@margreet_s), Artist/Designer, into the space. Schaap envisioned a fourteen foot diameter chandelier made of cut and tied denim – a materially transformative project. Her vision became reality.

The artist directed project is community built: calls for denim and support were made. Donations came in from womxn and men alike. The working hands of womxn and girls cut, tore and remade 80+ pairs of denim into strips of tied, and sometimes decorated denim.

Material transformations are energetic exchanges.

As a muli-fascited organization and program, with a growing team, Femme Fatale DC offers space for exploration, experimentation and execution of creative projects, at almost any scale.
Creation and creative leadership are key components of the Femme Fatale DC ecosystem. Like any ecosystem, and individual, a hierarchy of needs must be met to achieve actualization. Each iteration of the Femme Fatale DC Pop-Up is actualized through multiple layers of creative leadership, completed connections and creative ingenuity.
Briget Heidmous / @raisedtraverse
All images Photo by Briget Heidmous, courtesy of Femme Fatale DC
Femme Fatale DC gives thanks to all who contributed their time, energy and materials to this project. Special thanks to artist Meg Schaap for directing this project and working extensive hours.
Powered by Femme Fatale DC – Facebook // Instagram
Briget Heidmous // @RaisedTraverse
About Femme Fatale DC:

About Briget:

Briget Heidmous is an artist and entrepreneur. Her motto is, look basic, think radical. Her art practice manifests in hybrid forms involving performance, installation, drawing, painting and street art. You’ll find her online at @RaisedTraverse.