Since I was a little girl I viewed by Grandma Lat as the epitome of Style and Grace. When she passed away in 2012, I vowed to keep her stylish legacy alive.
Fast forward – > In 2015, my business, LattieMooreStyle and Image Consulting was birthed and named after my late Grandmother.
Like most women, my Grandmother enjoyed spending her Saturday’s shopping, and one the fondest memories I have with her is going to our local Burlington Coat Factory in Raleigh, NC and buying her a Fur Coat! She was known for wearing beautiful floor length fur coats.

A couple years ago, I become obsessed with carrying out my Grandmother’s legacy of finding my own coat. By this time, I am a self-proclaimed, “Thrift Queen,” so I knew that with time and diligence I would find the perfect one for me!
After searching for a couple of years, I stopped looking. You know what they say when you stop looking? You find what you’ve been looking for. Then on 09/21/2019, while out with my Aunt and cousins, we decided to stop by our local Goodwill. Guess what I stumbled across?! A PERFECT gorgeous black floor length faux fur coat in the same silhouette my Grandmother would wear!

Needless to say, I purchased the coat with great pride and joy. Now every time I look at or wear this coat, I am reminded of my Grandmother Lattie, the woman who shaped my view of Fashion and Style.

About our fabulous guest blogger:

These are just three words that can be used to describe LattieMooreStyle’s tastes in fashion. It’s deeper than mere outfits and trends…. It’s an expression of all the eccentricities that make up the person. And no one embodies this sentiment more than Keisha Dunbar Daniel.
Keisha is the founder of LattieMoore Style and Image Consulting, which is named after her late grandmother. The purpose of LattieMooreStyle is to inspire Women to look, be and feel the part with confidence.
“It’s about being Funky and Fabulous and not being afraid to let your identity be known through what and how you wear your clothes. It’s also Confidence and loving the skin you’re in,” she says. “I don’t think that will ever fade.”