Category: Shopping Tips

Don’t Passover Goodwill When You’re Shopping For Judaica!

And because Passover is this month, we’re going to be looking at Judaica – Jewish ritual items and other art.  Nu, as you may know, I love collecting it, and most of my collection is thrifted.  And much of it is from Goodwill, online and off.  I’ve been very fortunate to live in two very Jewish areas (Boston and DC), but thanks to Goodwill’s online shopping, one can experience and thrift items from all over the country.       

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Why Shopping at Goodwill is a Shore Thing

Nu, as my regular readers know, I adore the shore.  And thrifting seashore-themed things.  Most of my considerable collection is thrifted – much of it from Goodwill.  Shopping at Goodwill really is a shore thing!  Online and off.  So this month, I am once again coming to you to show you some of the best seashore items on DC Goodwill’s Shop Goodwill site.         

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