Author: Tim Kime

DIY: Let Your Light & Support Shine with Pride-Painted Lamps

Since we’re at the start of June & Pride Month, here are two lamps that show & celebrate their rainbow love.  Don’t hide your light and hold back who you are—let yourself shine brightly as you give some pop–in two different ways–to mid-century modern table lamps. 

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DIY: Show Your Pride with Painted Pieces

is Pride Month, so we’re offering some ideas and inspiration as you show community support and rainbow love.  Upcycle thrift store finds into colorful statement pieces that are fun and festive for your home or office.  These projects received some love and the rainbow treatment using spray paint. 

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DIY: A Twin Bedframe Becomes a Terrific Trellis

Mother Nature loves this week’s DIY project for many reasons. A discarded metal bedframe was upcycled for a front porch trellis. It was salvaged rather than added to a landfill and is now a place for flowering vines to grow toward the sky.  We are helping Mother Nature’s creations to do their thing.

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Noodle on This DIY: Fun Flowers From Pool Accessories & Goodwill Finds

Here’s a DIY project to ponder and noodle on for a moment: transform those foam floaties into fun flowers for your next family function or neighborhood gathering!  You won’t need to think about it too long before you start because they are so easy to create and add a pop of color to any space—indoors or out!

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DIY: With a Comb, Give a Piece the Royal Beauty Treatment

A charming but tired side table gets the royal beauty treatment in this week’s DIY project.  Poured paint in purple, grays and blues then combed in a wavy, flowing manner gives a dreamy, ethereal feel. This combed paint technique has been around for centuries, often to mimic wood grain.  However, bright colors make this timeless process look contemporary, creative and cool.  This was an inexpensive because it used paints already on-hand but the result of a priceless masterpiece!

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