Author: Carolyn Becker

Thrift List: 5 Last-Minute Items to Buy if You’re Quarantined at Home

The health and safety of our community is our ongoing top priority, and with the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, many are required to self-quarantine in order to prevent the potential devastating affect on the entire country’s population. To prepare for a safe and self-sustaining self-quarantine, we’re all flocking to grocery chains to stock up on all the food essentials.

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5 Productive Things to do Instead of Binge-Watching Netflix

The health and safety of our community is paramount, and with the rapid spread of the Coronavirus, many are required to self-quarantine in order to prevent the potential devastating affect on the entire country’s population. With more people staying home from work or school, there’s a newfound amount of unexpected free time that’s full of possibilities…..for your closet, home and peace of mind!

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Why Chunky White Sneakers Are NOT Eco-Friendly

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about the items I currently have or want add to my closet and how they impact the environment. Thoughts occupy my head-space on the metro, as I walk out of work….basically, every time I’m confronted with the world’s fashion choices. This week, I wanted to highlight some quick thoughts around my epiphanies around: the chunky white shoe.

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