For the longest time wrapping my head around how to do a haul of any kind did not make sense. However, when I became intimate with the thrifting community, I began to realize doing hauls is an art. It takes a few artistic ingredients to do a haul (especially if it luxury or vintage). Don’t worry, I am about to make you a luxury and vintage thrift haul insider.
1. Patience & Calculation
Doing a thrift haul takes a lot of patience and calculation. Patience in that you will have the urge to pick up everything or will become overwhelmed. Both of these things are a recipe for a disastrous haul.
When doing a thrift haul, you must take your time and thoroughly inspect the items you are picking up.
Why do you need to be thorough?

Well, you want to make sure you are not a.) picking up items that are not going to add anything to your life and b.) you could be passing over a gem because you are going too fast. Thoroughness can make you feel so empowered and effective when doing a haul. You want to make sure you get the best bang for your buck and some items that make me you smile.

2. Google Is Your Friend
When doing a haul, especially when trying to find luxury and vintage items, you should Google the things you see if you think it could be something. Example, when thrifting this week, I came across a Gucci bag, pair of Louboutin sneakers, and a pair of Yeezy’s. To verify their authenticity, I Googled key markers for these items.
I found that the Gucci bag and the Louboutins were real. However, the Yeezy’s might not have been, due to the stitching used at the front of the shoes. By taking that extra time, I was able to go home with some stylish new luxury items.
*Goodwill of Greater Washington does not authenticate designer goods.
3. Calculate Your Total Before Checking Out
When doing a haul, it is very easy to fill up your basket and not think about the price. It is most effective to take time to take another look at your basket and think about the things that you buy.
Further, from a slaying responsibly perspective, take a second look to calculate totals can make are you are buying items that are financially responsible. It is not effective to buy in plethora.

Hauls can be one of the best things to participate in. However, you must be diligent in how much you buy. Taking your time and having patience can set you up to have a great haul!