DIY: How to Create an Ice Cream Costume with Goodwill Finds

Other than candy and goodies for your trick-or-treaters, Goodwill is very likely to have what you need to transform your home—and your family— for this fun and festive holiday.  Find your good at Goodwill as you think about what your loved ones will wear for this creative and creepy night.  Check out each department, section, aisle, and rack for things that can be turned into a unique scary costume—or a sweet one–like this ice cream cone!

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DIY: How Tiny Tweaks Can Transform Tall Chairs

Sometimes small, simple tweaks to already nice items help to give them a timeless transformation.  Case in point: a pair of tall chairs picked up at Goodwill had lots going for them.  The cane seats were in perfect condition, the cross-back design was inviting and the creamy color was delightful.  Touching up of scrapes and chips then adding hand-painted wheat stalks raised them up to a timeless, elegant level. You can do it easily, too.

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How to Use Grains & Gold to Give a Thrifted Mirror a Timeless Transformation

YAn antique mirror, found for a few dollars at Goodwill, gets a radiant re-do with silk stalks of wheat and shiny gold paint.  Given this is the time of year we harvest, it seemed fitting to give an oval-shaped mirror a new season with a simple and stunning upcycle.  This dated and dark mirror from now literally reflects the familiar song chorus, “amber waves of grain.”

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